
Shika Fun - "Deer Shit"

first Ultimate practice



Yesterday I walked with the first and second-year students from Yoshino Yama (Mt. Yoshino) to Oyodo High School. This is a 32km trek up and down a couple of mountains.

32km = about 20 miles\
We left around 8:45am, took a break for maybe 30 minutes (and had excellent konnyaku) for lunch, and finished around 4:45pm.

I must say that I am in some distinct discomfort. Yea, verily, a touch of pain.

And now I am off to practice Ultimate with others of the prefecture for a tournament in July. Woooo!

ラベル: , ,

more on "Yabai"

If you look at the "title" area of this blog (and you can read Japanese, I guess), you can see that it says "Yabai Oyodo." I chose that because of the duality of the word, as I mentioned in the previous post.


It really IS a dualistic word. For example, I was watching an American TV show here, and it was subtitled. On the show, a driver nearly hits someone with his car and says "Jesus!" This was translated in the subtitles as "Yabai!"

So "yabai" means, sort of, "damn." In a way. Like, "Damn! I nearly killed that guy!" or "Damn! She's fine!"


Damn Oyodo, indeed. Or Damn! Oyodo!

ラベル: , ,