
Japanese Working Poor

I want to watch this film soon:

Sadly, can't watch the whole thing streaming from the site, ironically, because I'm IN JAPAN.



Tonight's dinner:

あさり - asari, manila clams
sweat onions and garlic in olive oil
add asari and just enough Yellowtail Chardonnay to cover
steam for 5-10 minutes (tops)

鮭甘口 - shake amakuchi, sweet salmon
cut carrots, crush or chop garlic
add several slices of butter
add salmon, wrap all in a foil packet
broil/bake on high
30-90 minutes (depends on the fish and the thickness and amount of carrots)

カニ蒲 - kani kama, imitation crab meat
Ritz crackers, sliced tomato, cream cheese
flake-style fake crab
nice appetizer

白ワイン - shiro wain, white wine
a glass or three of the Yellowtail Chardonnay

If I'd been thinking far enough ahead, I might have added some わかめ - wakame, soft green seaweed to the appetizers