
Ling Sosite Shigure

As Yumi-chan said.... "Damn."

"telecastic fake show" by 凛そして時雨

(link updated 7/9/2008)
(link updated again 9/6/2008)



The Poetry of T-Shirts

If you know an iota about current Japanese pop culture, you're aware that t-shirts with English sayings and logos and slogans are everywhere here... but... they're not always quite right, or sometimes they say surprising things.

Today, on the train (which I rarely take in the mornings), I saw ahead of me to the left "To Want and To ACHIEVE." To the right, over a bit, across a rather shapely set of breasts "Are You Gonna ENSLAVE?" and down the way just a bit from her "Without a Doubt."

Somebody's trying to tell me something.

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